Industrial Technology Maintenance (ITM) Mechanic
Industrial Technology Maintenance Mechanics keep machines in working order by detecting and correcting errors before the machine or its products are damaged.

37,800 ITM job openings are projected annually nationwide through 2028.

381,500 employed as ITM Mechanics in the US.

ITM Mechanics can make up to $63,000 a year.

- Disassemble machinery and equipment when there is a problem.
- Repair or replace broken or malfunctioning components.
- Read technical manuals to understand equipment and controls
- Move machinery and equipment.
- Detect minor problems by performing basic diagnostic tests.
- Test malfunctioning machinery to determine whether major repairs are needed.
- Adjust and calibrate equipment and machinery to optimal specifications.
- Clean and lubricate equipment and machinery.
If you’re a Florida, Iowa, Montana, or Puerto Rico resident aged 18 or older and looking to move to a high-paying career, enroll in Operation Next today.